Building ffmpeg form nwjs/chromium repository

  • Open VS2013 x64 Native Tools Command Prompt C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\Tools\Shortcuts

  • Open C:\cygwin64\Cygwin.bat in VS2013 x64 Native Tools Command Prompt and make sure that compiler and linker are refering to VS2013 64 bit executables as shown below.[Assuming you have cygwin installed on your Windows machine]

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  • Set following environment variables
    set GYP_DEFINES=host_arch=x64 target_arch=x64 nwjs_sdk=1 disable_nacl=0 proprietary_codecs=1 branding=Chrome

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  • Go to Ffmpeg source code location :
  • [APPLY PATCH to file ] /chromium/scripts/

Add support of mxf by enabling it as decoder, demuxer and parser

-      '--enable-decoder=pcm_s16be,pcm_s24be,pcm_mulaw,pcm_alaw',
-      '--enable-demuxer=ogg,matroska,wav',
-      '--enable-parser=opus,vp3,vorbis,vp8',

+      '--enable-decoder=pcm_s16be,pcm_s24be,pcm_mulaw,pcm_alaw,mxf',
+      '--enable-demuxer=ogg,matroska,wav,mxf',
+      '--enable-parser=opus,vp3,vorbis,vp8,mxf',
  • [APPLY PATCH to file ] : /chromium/scripts/

Add support of mxf by enabling it as decoder, demuxer and parser

       ['chromeos == 1', {
         'ffmpeg_branding%': '<(branding)OS',
       }, {  # otherwise, assume Chrome/Chromium.
-        'ffmpeg_branding%': '<(branding)',
+         'ffmpeg_branding%': 'Chrome',
  • Build standalone ffmpeg code for windows 64 bit.

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  • Build will generate following directory folder.

  • Copy config and from


Regenerate ffmpeg gyp files :

ffmpeg_src>python chromium/scripts/

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Following files get modified after running above commands:

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  • Force nwjs(chromium) to regenerate ninja files for modified *.h, *.asm, *.gypi (see previous step): Go to nwjs source code location : /node-webkit/src

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  • Build ffmpeg code using ninja to generate ffmpegsumo.dll:
src>ninja -C out/Debug_x64 ffmpegsumo-j16

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  • Build nwjs code using ninja and link to ffmpegsumo.dll:
src>ninja -C out/Debug_x64 nw -j16

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Written on February 28, 2016