Up and running webassembly in browser

ASM to WebAssembly

  • Prerequisite

  1. Visual Studio 2015
  2. cmake
  • Clone binaryen(transcompiler for wasm)

mkdir wasmdemo
cd wasmdemo
git clone https://github.com/WebAssembly/binaryen.git
cd binaryen
  • Build code

wasmdemo\binaryen>cmake .
wasmdemo\binaryen>cmake --build . --config Release

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  • Utilities gets generated after build in binaryen/bin

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  • Create hello_world.asm.js file with content below

function MyMathModule(global) {
    "use asm";
    var exp = global.Math.exp;
    function doubleExp(value) {
        value = +value;
        return +(+exp(+value) * 2.0);
    return { doubleExp: doubleExp };

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  • wasm-as.exe is a wasm assembler which converts intermediate AST to wasm binary

wasmdemo\binaryen\bin>wasm-as.exe hello_world.wast -o hello_world.wasm

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Running WebAssembly in Browser

.then(function(response) {
return response.arrayBuffer();
.then(function(buffer) {
var dependencies = {
"global": {},
"env": {}
dependencies["global.Math"] = window.Math;
var moduleBufferView = new Uint8Array(buffer);
var myMathModule = Wasm.instantiateModule(moduleBufferView, dependencies);
for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {

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  • Run code through local server and open file in Chrome Canary web browser.

Other browsers might give an error as binaryen version used to build wasm file and binaryen version inside browser is different.

TypeError: wasm validation error at offset 8: failed to match binary version
  • Output

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  • References

http://cultureofdevelopment.com/blog/build-your-first-thing-with-web-assembly/ https://github.com/WebAssembly/design/blob/master/JS.md https://github.com/brakmic/brakmic/blob/master/webassembly/COMPILING_WIN32.md

Written on October 10, 2016